“And here you shall eat before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice, you and your households, in all that you undertake, in which the Lord your God has blessed you.” Deuteronomy 12:7
As our major fundraiser, the East Honolulu Food Festival, established in 2005, provides a combined Parish, Early Learning Center and Elementary School function bringing together all members of the Mary, Star of the Sea community in an annual fun and fundraising family event. For the past 10 years, the event has featured a variety of the best restaurants on Oahu. Attendees, presently numbering about two thousand, also enjoy great entertainment, a fabulous Silent Auction and our Keiki Corner, which includes rides, games and other activities. In addition to ‘General Admission’ attendance, VIP table sponsors continue to increase each year as the Festival is recognized as one of the most enjoyable, family friendly events on Oahu.
Through the dedication and commitment of parishioners, parents, teachers, students, and volunteers, the monies gained by this event have positively impacted our Church, Schools and neighboring communities. With your support and assistance of the East Honolulu Food Festival, our Church and Schools can further enhance its service to our community, and provide continued excellence in its academic and enrichment programs.
“By wisdom is a house built, by understanding is it made firm; and by knowledge are its rooms filled.” Proverbs 24:3
The Parish Planning and Building Committee is established by the Pastor and is responsible for the preparing and up-dating the five-year Capital Improvement Plan and Maintenance Program for all parish and school assets. For major improvements over $20K, the committee develops estimates, plans and specifications, and presents these to the Diocesan Planning and Building Commission for approval.