Diocese of Honolulu
Mary, Star of the Sea Church & Schools
4470 Aliikoa St., Honolulu, HI 96821
02 August 2022
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ:
Grace & Peace in God, our Merciful Father!
We have finally come to this moment in time -- the much-anticipated celebration of the 75-Year Anniversary of our beloved Mary, Star of the Sea Church & Schools. Together as a community, we will officially culminate the year-long celebration of this Diamond Jubilee on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at the 8:15 AM Mass, when we allow ourselves to focus on the Eucharistic Celebration and be challenged by the theme "Live Truth, Live Eucharist." We will celebrate in a way that honors God and encourages hearts to look forward with unity and hope -- a much-needed expectation as we envision the ending of this pandemic.
In this regard, we invite one and all to participate in a Triduum Masses starting on Thursday, August 25, Friday, August 26, and Saturday, August 27 at the 5:30 PM Mass to jump-start our celebration of this momentous event, culminating on Sunday, August 28. (See attached "Triduum Mass Schedules.") We encourage all ministry groups, as well as both the MSOS Early Learning Center and Elementary School to actively participate in these Triduum Masses.
We anticipate ending our Eucharistic celebration on Sunday, August 28, by memorializing the event with a "Time Capsule -- 100th Anniversary” activity on the field, including the participation of parishioners, benefactors, and both the Early Learning Center and Elementary Schools. Contributions from each Parish Ministry will include a two-page document consisting of ministry group photos, members' names, the purpose of the ministry, and a ministry member's witness statement. Both Schools are free to include pertinent information and miscellaneous data regarding memorabilia that would be of value fast-forwarding to the 100th Anniversary -- all this information (including those on the index-card size that will be asked from parishioners who don’t belong to any ministry) will be presented during the Offertory of the Mass where your particular ministry is scheduled and placed in the "time capsule" storage area.
Thereafter, an official "sealing of the Time Capsule" will take place outside on the field, and a special ritual of burying the "Time Capsule" will take place on August 28, after the 8:15 AM Mass. We invite everyone to come and witness this MSOS Diamond Celebration, August 28, 2022 "once in a lifetime" ceremony! In the coming days and weeks before the 75-year anniversary, please pay close attention to all "after-Mass" announcements for clarification and more information. You may also visit our website:https://staroftheseahonolulu.com.
We realize the difficult task of internalizing all this information, but we ask for your support and assistance in bearing with us. Thank you ever so much as we move and work together towards making this celebration a most memorable event.
For any and all questions, please contact our Head Coordinator of the MSOS Diamond Jubilee Celebration, Fr. Junvic Diolata, SSS on his mobile phone: (808) 909-7765 or his email at: [email protected].
Through the prayers of Mama Mary, Star of the Sea, may God's abundant blessings be with all of you!
In Jesus, the Bread of Life,
Rev. Victor “Junvic” Diolata, Jr., SSS
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Francisco C. de los Reyes, SSS