Mary, Star of The Sea Parish is to give love, direction, and support to all members of our community as we seek ways to follow Christ in our quest for eternal life. The Parish believes that it must evangelize, exclude none, communicate openly, show compassion and mercy to all, and follow Mary, our Star (HOKU) as she leads us in our mission.
The LIFE IN THE EUCHARIST SEMINAR or LITES participants have already started receiving the Daily Eucharistic Reflections being sent by the Center for Eucharistic Evangelizing. This is one way of keeping alive with them the seed of love for the Eucharist that has been planted in them through the seminar. Simultaneously, all those who have attended will be followed up through their respective pastors. The MSOS Participants have committed themselves to continue their formation through monthly deepening sessions. The next schedule for the on-going formation will be on May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11 & 25. It will begin at 6:15pm with Adoration at the Chapel and session will be in the Social Hall from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Those who were not present last month are still welcome to join.
Do you want to be certain you and your family have the protection of Jesus in these end times? Come here every First Friday of the Month at 6:30pm. At the First Friday devotion last May 3, Enthronement of the Image of the Jesus, King of All Nations with consecration, was done. This Devotion to Jesus Christ, THE DIVINE MERCY, THE SACRED HEART, KING OF ALL NATIONS will be celebrated with Adoration, Prayers, Brief Talks, Confessions and Mass. JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOU! Make time for it AND MAKE JESUS THE CENTER OF YOUR LIFE!